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Swapnil Chand edited this page May 22, 2024 · 29 revisions

Welcome to the Overtone Wiki

Our goal is to create a top notch live-coding environment and audio collaboration platform that's free for everyone to download, hack on and make really cool sounds either individually or in groups. We've come a long way towards achieving this vision and hope you'll join in and help take things even further...

Technical Summary

Overtone is a musical programming library written in Clojure which uses the SuperCollider audio engine and synthesis server under the covers. We're essentially marrying an awesome live-synthesis server with an insanely cool state-of-the-art lisp to create a glorious union that only the Gods can dream about. Seriously though, we're building on existing and proven open source technologies to create something we're truly excited about.

About this Documentation

We will try to maintain documentation for all aspects of the system here, but beyond the basics feel free to pick and choose the topics that interest you. Some people might want to focus on synthesizing new sounds from scratch, while for others it might be more interesting to focus on live-coding or generating musical scores on the fly.

If you see any errors/issues/omissions, please feel free to fix/add things - we'll love you forever.



First steps


Instruments and I/O:

Making music:

Interacting with External Devices:


In progress:
