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GitHub Action


v1.0.1 Latest version




Verifies if all commits on a branch are signed-off


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: CommitGuard

uses: Abdullah-Shahen/CommitGuard@v1.0.1

Learn more about this action in Abdullah-Shahen/CommitGuard

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CommitGuard GitHub Action


CommitGuard is a GitHub Action that verifies if all commits in a pull request are signed-off by the committer. It ensures that every commit is Signed-off, indicating the committer is trusted contributor.

Problem Description

In software development projects, ensuring the integrity of codebases is essential for maintaining high level of security. However, manually checking each commit in a pull request can be time-consuming and error-prone. CommitGuard automates this process, providing a reliable way to enforce commit signing requirements.

How the Action Works

CommitGuard runs as a GitHub Action in response to pull request events. When triggered, it checks each commit in the pull request to ensure it contains a commit.verification.verified = true object. If any commits are missing the required sign-off, the action fails, and the pull request is marked as non-compliant. Furthermore, the action will comment on the pull request, telling the assignee about the violation.


The Action will comment on the scanned PR if it detectes any unsigned commits. Example: pr_comment

How to Contribute

Contributions to CommitGuard are welcome! To contribute, follow the guide here

Please ensure your pull request adheres to the project's coding standards and includes tests for any new features or bug fixes.

How to Report Security Issues

To report security vulnerabilities or other sensitive issues, please refert to our Security Policy. We take security seriously and appreciate your help in disclosing vulnerabilities responsibly.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.