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182 lines (150 loc) · 3.82 KB

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182 lines (150 loc) · 3.82 KB

vue-o2c - Vue Options API to Composition API

Demo / Online Playground

WORK IN PROGRESS -- the following is not done:

  • bunch of stuff still not implemented (working through case by case)
  • publish package correctly for CLI command to work (need to check)
  • data() preamble -- if there is preamble maybe just create refs then use the function to set them
  • handle setup() in options api
  • allow options to configure (eg. no typescript)
  • $el needs to try to rewrite part of template
  • would like to maintain indentation

After running, check for FIXME comments

Composition API does not allow easy access of app.config.globalProperties like options API does. vue-o2c takes care of some basic cases (eg. this.$router assuming vue-router) but for others, you will see comments like the following and you must adjust the code depending on how you provide these systems.

const $primevue = inject("primevue") /* FIXME vue-o2c */


via CLI

This is not working due to a publishing issue I need to fix...

$ npx vue-o2c /path/to/sfc.vue
<transformed sfc code>


$ pnpm add -D vue-o2c

Please keep in mind, API is very experimental and likely will change!

import { transformPath, transform, type State } from "vue-o2c"

const s1: State = transformPath("/path/to/sfc.vue")
const s2: State = transform("<script>\nexport default {\n  props: {\n    a: String,\n  }\n}\n</script>")
// s1.transformed and s2.transformed will both contained transformed code


Given the following file:

<template lang="pug">
  p Wonderful

export default {
  props: {
    greeting: {
      type: String,
      default: "Hello",
  data() {
    // this.initializing = true -- would make data() "complex" (need to improve)
    return {
      name: this.$ || 'John',
      watchMethod: 0,
      watchObject: {
        key: 1,
  methods: {
    meth() {
      console.log(`${this.greeting} ${} ${this.$el.clientHeight}`)
    keyValue: async (a) => {
      await a
  mounted() {
    delete this.initializing // should not become `delete initializing` (so use $this)
  watch: {
    ["watchMethod"](v) {
      console.log("watchMethod", v)
    "watchObject.key": {
      deep: true,
      immediate: true,
      async handler(v, ov) {
        console.log("watchObject", v, ov)

<style scoped>
:root {
  background: red;
$ git clone
$ cd vue-o2c
$ pnpm i
$ pnpm exec tsx index.ts ./example.vue

Will output the following:

<template lang="pug">
  p Wonderful

<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, ref, watch } from "vue"
import { useRoute } from "vue-router"

const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
  greeting?: string
}>(), {
  greeting: "Hello",

const $route = useRoute()
const $this = {}

const $el = ref<HTMLElement | undefined>()
const name = ref($ || 'John')
const watchMethod = ref(0)
const watchObject = ref({
  key: 1,

onMounted(() => {
  delete $this.initializing // should not become `delete initializing` (so use $this)

watch(() => watchMethod.value, (v) => {
  console.log("watchMethod", v)
watch(() => watchObject.value.key, async (v, ov) => {
  console.log("watchObject", v, ov)
}, {
  deep: true,
  immediate: true,

function meth() {
  console.log(`${props.greeting} ${name.value} ${$el.value.clientHeight}`)
async function keyValue(a) {
  await a

<style scoped>
:root {
  background: red;